Christopher Okemwa
is the editor of this anthology. He is also the editor of the massive world anthologies, Musings during a Time of Pandemic: A World Anthology of Poems on Covid-19; I Can’t Breathe: A Poetic Anthology of Social Justice; Coming Out of Isolation: Poems on Resilience, Triumph & Hope; The Griots of Ubuntu: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry from Africa; and Voices from the Woods: An Anthology of Poems from East Africa & Beyond. Okemwa has written 10 collections of poems, four oral literature text books, four children stories, two novels, one collection of short stories and one play. Okemwa has been a guest poet at international poetry festivals in Turkey, Belgium, Vietnam, Colombia, Spain, Northern Ireland and England. He is also the founder and current director of Kistrech International Poetry Festival in Kenya.