Nora Atalla is author of nine poetry collections, a collection of tales and short stories and two novels. She is the winner of the 2022 Annette-Mbaye-d'Erneville International Poetry Prize – Dakar International Literature Festival for La révolte des pierres (the rebellion of stones), which was also a finalist in 2023 for the International Francophone Prize – Montreal Poetry Festival, and Morts, debout! (dead, stand up!) in 2021 for the same prize. She was a finalist for two other important prizes in Canada: Alain-Grandbois Poetry Prize in 2014 for Hommes de sable (men of sand) and Radio-Canada Literary Awards in 2008 for À l’angle de la peur (at the angle of fear). Her texts were published in nearly fifty anthologies and literary magazines in Quebec and abroad, and have been translated into several languages. With poet Claudine Bertrand, she directed the anthology Mosaïque québécoise Femmes des Forges, published in 2022 by Écrits des Forges. Very involved in the literary world, spokesperson for Quebec poets and writers abroad, Nora Atalla launched in 2009 her project "Les livres voyageurs" (the travelling books) carrying nearly 750 books and poetry magazines (about 1000 authors) which are today on several shelves of public and university libraries in Africa, Europe and Latin America. Founder in 2009 of the Poetry Night in Quebec City, she has hosted it every year since. Grants recipient and member of juries and advisory committees at the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, at the Canada Council for the Arts, she was a member of the evaluation committee for the Governor General's Award in 2019 (poetry). She leads workshops with young students and mentors emerging writers. She was a poet in residence in Mexico (2019) and in France (2022 and 2023).